Antarctic Travel

Antarctic continent;  It is the 5th largest continent in the world, located in the south pole.  98% of the surface of the continent is completely covered with ice and therefore there is no suitable environment for people to live.  The number of people living here is zero, but the average number of people staying here temporarily for scientific research is 5000 on average.  Located in the south of the continent of Africa and Oceania, Antarctica has an area of ​​14 million km2.

 Antarctic History
 With the discovery of geographical discoveries in the 15th century, people realized that there were new worlds and started looking for them.  In this period, after the American continent was discovered, there were people who claimed that there could be a continent in the south.  However, until 1895, no people could set foot here.  First, on this date, part of the continent was discovered by Charles Wilkes and it was called Wilkes' land.

 According to the researches, it is claimed that the Russian navy realized the continent about 75 years ago in 1895, that is, in 1820, but they did not understand that it was a different piece of land.  Another claim is that Batlamyus, one of the philosophers living in the 2nd century AD, is supposed to be a continent in the south.  As a reason, it shows the concept of balance as evidence.

 The name of Antarctica came from Arktos.  Arktos is a Greek word meaning “bear”.  The Great Bear (constellation) in the northern hemisphere is referred to as Arktos.  Since the continent is in the south, the term Ant-Arktos became an Antarctic in time.

 Antarctic Geography
 Almost all of Antarctica covered with ice and snow affected its geographical structure.  The ice thickness in Antarctica, consisting of mountains and wide plains, is on average 1.6 km.  This is a very high figure and one of the largest water resources in the world.  In case the glaciers and snow melts on the continent, sea level is estimated to increase 60 meters.  This figure is important to show how much glaciers are on the continent.

 Antarctic Climate
 Antarctica is the driest continent in the world.  Some regions have not rained for nearly 2 million years.  The average temperature is -50 degrees, so it is impossible for people to live.  However, some animals can survive here.  Penguins are among these.

 Places to Visit in Antarctica
 There is no list of places to visit in Antarctica.  The only point to visit here is the coastal regions.  Tourists arriving by ships can enter no more than a few km from the shore.  More is both dangerous and prohibited.  Tourists who see the penguin life in these regions then return to the country they came from by ship.  This is what places to visit in Antarctica.  Especially only those who make scientific research can enter the south polar circle.

 Antarctic Speech Languages
 Since there are no people living in Antarctica, it is not possible to talk about the languages ​​spoken here.  Incoming researchers generally speak English or the languages ​​of the country they come from.

 Visa Information for Antarctica
 Since there is no state in Antarctica, it is possible to travel here without a visa.  However, it is not possible to go directly to this continent, but usually via New Zealand or Chile.  To reach the continent, one of these two countries must obtain a visa.

 Antarctic Food and Drink Culture
 It is not possible to talk about a food culture here because it is not human.  Researchers survive here by consuming the dry and frozen foods they bring with them.

 Transportation in Antarctica
 Snow vehicles are used for transportation in Antarctica.  It is not possible to advance on the continent by vehicles other than these.  These tools are brought to the continent only by scientific researchers.

 Security in Antarctica
 The only security risk on the Antarctic continent is the cold weather of -50 degrees here.

 Health in Antarctica
 Weather conditions directly threaten human health.  For this, it is necessary to come to the continent with special clothing.  Also, there is no health facility anywhere on the continent.


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