St. Petersburg Travel Guide

 St. Petersburg, located within the borders of the Russian Federation, is a city that attracts a lot of tourists. 1703 is the foundation date of the city. The city had numerous names as Petrograd and Leningrad. Today, St. Petersburg is the name given by the rest of the world. You can find various activities, touristic destinations, nightclubs and entertainment spots in the city.

St. Petersburg Travel Guide

General Information

Country: Russia

Region: Baltic Sea

Area: 1,439 km2

Language: Russian

Average temperature: 5.4 °C

Climate: Continental

Vegetation: Forestry

The difference between GMT: GMT/UTC + 3

Telephone Code: +7

Currency: Rouble

Socket Type: Type C and F


Where Is St. Petersburg?

St. Petersburg is located in the Baltic Sea. The canals of River Nera surround the city. The river stretched towards the Baltic Sea with its admirable scenery. The city center is the busiest place while it extends to the south and north. Peterhof, Pushkin, Pavlovsk, and Gatchina are the suburban areas surrounding the city center.

Best Time to Visit St. Petersburg

The months during summer are the months that are ideal for a St. Petersburg trip. The best time for St. Petersburg is between mid-June and September. In this period, the nights are the longest, and the entertainment is at its peak. It is possible to enjoy the bright and shiny sun during the entire day which is 24 hours and also referred to as The White Nights. The White Nights are among the most popular places in St. Petersburg.

Best time to visit St. Petersburg

Also, the temperature is mild during summer. It is possible to enjoy the summer at around 21 to 25°C. Compared to cold winter days, June, July, August, and September are the best months to plan a holiday in St. Petersburg.

How to Get to St. Petersburg?

You can take scheduled flights between Istanbul and St. Petersburg by Pegasus Airlines then you can book a flight from Sabiha Gökçen Airport (SAW) to St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport (LED) destination. Early booking can give you opportunities in terms of the price of the flight. Another option to visit St. Petersburg is to take a one-stop flight that stops at Moscow. Still, a direct flight is the best option to go to this city.

Transportation from St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport (LED) to City Center

There are two options to get from St. Petersburg city center to St. Petersburg Airport and from St. Petersburg Airport to the city center. Your first way of transport to be considered to travel will be public transportation which includes a bus line going from the airport to the city center. Your second way of transportation can be a taxi that travels between the airport and the city center. While a taxi is a more expensive option, it might be a better one if you have a lot to carry. Also, you can rent a car at the airport.

Public Transportation in St. Petersburg

public transport in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg and Russia are mostly known for large metro lines. So, the best way to visit the city is to use one of the public transportation methods. The metro can be the best way. There are also other alternatives such as buses, trams, and trolleys. There is also a private transport option which includes private busses, taxis, and minibuses. You can get a travel card to benefit from public transportation. When you are in St. Petersburg, the metro can be the fastest and economical option for transportation.

Places to Visit in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is one of the most touristic cities in Russia. The city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and has been on this list since 1990. There are numerous tourist attractions here.

State Hermitage Museum

State Hermitage Museum

This museum of art and culture is listed and ranked 2nd place in terms of size. The museum’s founder was Catherina the Great and she opened the museum in 1764. It is just 1 minute away from the Winter Palace. There are both permanent and temporary exhibitions there. You might want to plan the entire day for this museum to see almost all the artwork in there.

Peterhof Palace

Peterhof Palace St. Petersburg

Peterhof Palace is slightly outside of the St. Petersburg city center. But you can take busses to reach this summer residence near the Baltic Sea. Inspired by the Palace of Versailles, Peter the Great commissioned a huge summer palace with a big building complex and gardens. The main attraction point of the city is located very close to the city center.

Mariinsky Theatre

If you are interested in opera and ballet, Mariinsky Theatre can be your favourite destination in St. Petersburg. This historical opera and ballet building has witnessed some of the works by the best Russian composers such as Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky.

Where to Stay in St. Petersburg?

Where to stay in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg offers a wide range of accommodation options for visitors and tourists. You can opt for ultra-luxurious 5-yıldız hotels as well as more modest 4-yıldız hotels or 3-yıldız hotels. If you want to stay in the city center, it is best to book your hotel earlier.

What to Eat in St. Petersburg?

What to eat in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is not particularly famous for its cuisine, but there are some delicacies you must try. These are:


Chicken Kiev

Pelmeni and Vareniki


Leningradsky rassolnik

Beef stroganoff

Pancakes with caviar

Shopping in St. Petersburg: The Best Souvenirs to Buy

When you are in St. Petersburg, you will find tens of different things to buy as souvenirs. First and most essentially, you can go back home with a Fabergé egg. These eggs are the most precious works of art in Russia.

What to buy in St. Petersburg

Also, Baltic amber is quite famous in this city. Lomonosov porcelain is another alternative if you are looking for something to remind you of your amazing St. Petersburg trip.

Nightlife At St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is known for its entertaining nightlife. You can visit nightclubs or have a nice dinner in high-quality restaurants. There is an entertainment option for everyone in this city. Ostrov, Kandinsky Bar, and JFC Jazz Club are some of the alternatives you can try in the city.

Things to Know Before Visiting St. Petersburg

Pedestrian traffic on Nevsky Prospect can be intense. Mind your step when you get swept away among other people.

Using the metro can be the best way to travel in the city. Also, the metro stations in St. Petersburg are worth seeing.

When you are using the public transport (metro, bus, trolley), put on a serious face. Smiling on these vehicles is considered rude and inappropriate in the city.

If you are going to use buses, don’t get frustrated if the bus does not arrive on time. Buses in Russia often arrive late to the bus stops. Just patiently wait for your bus.

If you want a real Russian experience in St. Petersburg, spend time in bars and clubs late at night.

Russian people tend to help you if you get lost. So, do not be afraid and ask the directions to the main attractions to the people around you.

Yandex app can help you to find anywhere you are looking for. Download Yandex instead of Google as it is the local app in Russia.

Essential Phone Numbers to Know

Area Code: 812

Medical Emergency: 103

Police: 102

St Petersburg City Police: (812) 579 9824


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