Vienna Travel Guide

 The city of Vienna has been one of the most conspicuous European urban communities ever, with impact in culture, governmental issues and workmanship. Vienna is the capital city of Austria with its populace of 1.9 million. The City of Music, Vienna is really a mix of the old and the new. The roads are decorated with style, meeting up with hundreds of years of culture and history. Vienna is an optimal spot to visit for workmanship sweethearts, as well as history buffs.

The city's underlying foundations start from early Celtic and Roman states. On schedule, the city of Vienna has developed into a cutting edge place and advanced with the idea of Baroque. From the beginning of time, it was named various times with names like The City of Music and The City of Dreams. In the overview of Quality of Life, Vienna was in the second spot among 25 current urban areas on the planet, making it a genuine city of dreams, both for local people and its guests.

General Information

Country: Austria

Area: 414.6 km²

Language: German

Normal temperature: 16 °C

Climate: Continental Climate

Vegetation: Deciduous Forest

The contrast between GMT: UTC +1

Phone Code: +

Currency: Euro

Attachment Type: Type F

Transportation from the Airport to City Center

It is very simple to show up at the downtown area with a few distinct courses. City Airport Train, ÖBB Railjet, Express Train and a variety of transport lines can be utilized to go to the downtown area.

City Airport Train gives an agreeable and reasonable excursion from the focal point of the city to the air terminal. The excursion goes on around 16 minutes and expenses around €4.20 (2019). This may be the most proficient and useful method of transportation contrasted with other European capitals.

As another option, the S7 S-BAHN line which will take you to the downtown area.

Public Transport in Vienna

With its public transportation, the City of Dreams demonstrates that the old and the new can be blended in one spot. It is feasible to see horse-drawn carriages going around in Vienna, while the cutting edge traffic is likewise in a hurry. Vienna doesn't just hold back the hints of history, it actually lives and mirrors its interesting surface of time.

You can visit Vienna vacation spots with "fiaker"s, which are horse-drawn taxicabs. It is feasible to involve bicycles around the city too. Bikes are quite possibly the most well known transportation vehicles in Vienna, where traveler can partake in the sluggish speed of the city while cycling. Yet, with regards to normal organizations of transportation; trains, cable car lines and metro lines are very proficient and reasonable for vacationers, also.

Metro lines are designated "U-BAHN" and neighborhood trains are classified "S-BAHN". An extremely reasonable element about the public transportation is that you can utilize these vehicles with a solitary ticket type. These tickets can be gotten from ticket machines situated in the stations or from the ticket workplaces. With The Vienna Pass card, you can have limits in doors to different exhibition halls too.

Best Time to Visit Vienna

Four or five days will be enough for a speedy touristic investigation of the extraordinary city of dreams, Vienna. However, the best an ideal opportunity to visit Vienna would be May and September. Since the city is in the mainland environment division, four seasons are knowledgeable about magnificence in the city, where you can partake in all seasons with happiness, except if you're not especially touchy to rather colder winters.

Celebrations in Vienna

Blues Festival (March)

Jazz Fest Wien (June)

ImPulsTanz (July)

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (January)

Vienna Opera Ball

Life Ball

Spots to Visit in Vienna

Consistently a great many individuals visit Vienna due to its significant situation in craftsmanship, design, instruction and science. Here are the spots you should see while you're there.

Stephansdom Cathedral

Being the notable image of the city of Vienna, Stephansdom Cathedral is situated in the core of the city too. With its 137 meters tallness, The Gothic Cathedral has been remaining with radiance since it was implicit the twelfth century. The inside of the house of prayer is advanced with brilliant cups, eminent works of art and strict things. You can visit this supernatural spot with specific visits assuming you might want to become familiar with its set of experiences. For additional data, you can actually take a look at the house of God's site also.

Vienna Art History Museum

The Habsburg group of Vienna was broadly enamored with workmanship. In this manner, all through the years they have gathered eminent magnum opuses from around the world. Presently these invaluable fine arts are shown with Greek, Egyptian and Roman relics close to them in the Vienna Art History Museum. Each floor in the exhibition hall is ready with various assortments. The main floor shows the best canvases of craftsmanship history, the subsequent floor is committed to enthusiasms for the old world. The historical center is an absolute necessity visit for everybody, except particularly workmanship darlings.



One of the most seasoned carnivals on the planet, Prater should be visible in loads of motion pictures as it has been very well known since it was worked in 1897. Facilitating north of 250 unique entertainment toys, Prater welcomes you to characterize the idea of having a good time, once more. Mazes, burrows, thrill rides, reflect rooms and a lot more assurance an amazing time for everybody, regardless of the age.


Hunderwasserhaus was planned and worked by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. This excellent piece of design is an incredible spot to have a few extraordinary recollections. Snapping a picture before this phenomenal houses would be smart. The uneven and beautiful Hundertwasserhaus is 1 kilometer away from Prater and can be reached by Tram line 1, Hetzgasse.

Hofburg Palace


The Hofburg demonstrates that polish can be molded into a structure. A guileless yet complex royal residence, Hofburg Palace is situated in the core of Vienna. This extraordinary castle contains Sisi Museum, Imperial Apartments and Imperial Silver Collection inside. The castle can be reached with Metro line, Herrengasse line U3.

Where to Stay in Vienna?

Assuming you love history and in the event that your arrangements depend on a chronicled trip, you ought to consider remaining in Innere Stadt. Lodgings cost between € 100 - 250 around here. From this spot, Hofburg, Stephandsom and the galleries are in strolling distance.

Another area, Landstrasse incorporates inns with financial plan cordial costs. The distance between this region and the downtown area is close and Landstrasse is a moderately quiet and calm area contrasted with other exuberant locale.

What to Eat in Vienna?


In the underpinning of Austrian food, there is workmanship and style. In light of its area, Austrian cooking is exceptionally impacted by Italian and French food societies. The element that recognizes the food of Vienna, is that the taste is shaped with the combination of different fragrances.

Treats are very significant in a common Austrian dinner. Then again the food culture for the most part contains meat. Tasting schnitzel in Vienna is an absolute necessity. Different luxuries incorporate Semmelknödel, which is fundamentally meatballs, and Zwiebelrostbraten, a food enhanced with heavenly sauce. Furthermore Wurst, the notorious wiener of Vienna, is heavenly and impossible to miss to the city, making it an unquestionable requirement eat for each guest.

Shopping in Vienna: The Best Souvenirs to Buy

There are loads of spots to purchase gifts for loved ones and it is feasible to purchase extraordinary things special to Vienna. The most famous shopping regions in Vienna are Karntnerstrasse, Graben, Kohlmarkt, Naschmarkt and Goldenes Quarter.

The Viennastore, especially sells unique things that you could at absolutely no point find in your life in the future. There are different The Viennastore shops in the different regions of the city. A large portion of the shopping stores in Vienna are classic and it is very conceivable to go over an old bookshop with diverse energies or an attire store selling dresses from 80s. In Vienna, in any event, shopping is an action that should be capable.

Nightlife in Vienna


In the City of Music, the cadence won't ever stop. The city resembles a tune that continues always… Night clubs, bars, mixed drink bars like Palm House, Chelsea, Gürtel, Pratersauna are a portion of the well known spots to visit to observe the energetic nightlife in the city.

Nightlife in Vienna has a social perspective too. You can visit Vienna State Opera and have an incredible night with the gift of old style music. Theater a der Wien is one more choice to watch skilled craftsmen while they are mirroring mankind's story with the specialty of theater.

Fundamental Phone Numbers to Know

Crisis: 144

Fire: 122

Police: 133


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